(Missourinet) U.S. Senator Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, is sticking up for President Donald Trump, who was the target of an editorial in a prominent evangelical magazine. Last week’s Christianity Today opinion column calls for Trump’s removal from office. It says none of the president’s positives can balance the “moral and political danger we face under the leader of such grossly immoral character.”
The editorial goes on to say Trump has “dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration” and points to his hirings and firings of people who are now convicted criminals, immoral business actions and relationship with women. It also rips Trump’s Twitter feed having a “habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders.”
During CNN’s State of the Union program yesterday, Blunt defended the president.
“Well, I think that person looking at the president versus what the president’s done as president has got to be an outlier in everything I hear from the Christian community,” said Blunt. “The faith-based community generally is very supportive of this president because he’s been very supportive of them. What the president has done to allow faith-based institutions to get back as one of the potential options in adoption, something I care a lot about, what the president has done to try to assert religious freedom all over the world, really important.”
When asked if Blunt wrestles with the points made in the opinion piece, he goes a different direction.
“If you look at the president’s actions, if Roy Blunt looks at the president’s actions, no president in my lifetime has been as aggressive in trying to achieve the goals that faith-based voters have set out than this one has,” said Blunt.
Trump, who was impeached last week by the U.S. House, is expected to escape removal from office after his trial wraps up in the U.S. Senate.