MoDOT warns of heavy, wet snow heading to mid-Missouri

State transportation officials are urging you to be aware of the upcoming changing road conditions both where you are and where you plan to be. The National Weather Service’s (NWS) winter weather advisory for the entire mid-Missouri listening area takes effect tonight at 9.

A Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) driver plows snow on Highway 63 in mid-Missouri in the winter of 2022 (file photo courtesy of MoDOT Flickr page)

The state Department of Transportation (MoDOT) says its crews will be out tonight as the temperatures drop and conditions change from rain to snow. They’re warning about a very heavy, wet snow that can make roads difficult to drive on.

MoDOT is encouraging mid-Missouri residents to get a full tank of gasoline before snow arrives tonight.  Snow should begin accumulating at about 8 pm in Jefferson City and at 9 in Columbia. MoDOT recommends that you adjust your speed tonight to the road conditions, which means driving under the speed limit.