MO State HS Sports
KWOS Person You Should Know

KWOS Person You Should Know

KWOS / Jefferson Bank / UNITED WAY Person You Should Know /Austin Petersen & John Marsh  

September 17, 2021

  • This person was born and raised in JCMO, a graduate of Benedictine College and University of MO, and has been married for 29 years, has two children and one grandchild.
  • This person has been a volunteer for MANY years and has served on the ABLE (Adult Basic Literacy Education) Learning Center Board as treasurer since 1994 and on Little Explorers Discovery Center Board, serving as President. This person is also the Marketing Committee Chair for the United Way … and has helped plan various marketing activities for MANY, many years.
  • This person enjoys working with other volunteers who have one goal – making our community a better place.
  • Little known fact – This person has written MANY of the United Way pacesetter scripts over the years AND a recent achievement is that this person wrote and published a fictional spy novel.
  • This volunteer first learned about United Way while working on his Masters at Mizzou and working full-time at Target. His boss asked, “Why don’t you like people?” he says, “I like people.”  Boss says, “I don’t think you do, or you would give to the United Way.”  This person learned what United Way does for others, and he gave for the first time after hearing what UW does from his boss at Target. And has been giving and volunteering ever since.
  • Favorite quote “whatsoever you do to the least of my people that you do unto me.”
  • This person is the General Manager at KJLU at Lincoln University and has been there for 25 years.

WHO IS THIS PERSON YOU SHOULD KNOW?  It is, Mike Downey, United Way volunteer, Lincoln University, KJLU General Manager.

I have worked alongside Mike Downey for various fundraising events for United Way and partner agencies writing scripts and offering marketing ideas … Mike is not only a great PERSON, but also a very creative member of the United Way Marketing Team.  I am pretty sure his spy novel will be equally as creative!  The title of his new book is called “THE 400 Pound Spy.”

If you would like to GIVE to the United Way or volunteer, go to / click DONATE or VOLUNTEER at the top of the page.

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