Ameren Missouri’s proposal to build and manage a 200-megawatt solar installation in mid-Missouri has been approved by the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC).
The company’s largest-ever solar facility will be built near the Audrain and Ralls county border. Ameren senior director of renewable development Scott Wibbenmeyer is excited.
“This facility will help Ameren Missouri retransition another step in our transition plan to supply renewable energy to Missouri customers,” Wibbenmeyer says.
Wibbenmeyer tells 939 the Eagle that construction alone will create about 250 jobs. Ameren Missouri executives say customers across the state will benefit from the planned construction of the Huck Finn solar facility in mid-Missouri. Mr. Wibbenmeyer says the project will provide clean electricity and will inject millions of dollars into the community over the project’s life.
“As we start construction here in (20)23, we expect it to be fully operational and constructed by the end of 24. That will create 250 or more construction jobs, so we’re excited about that. Output of the plant will supply over 40,000 homes,” he says.
The PSC has approved the project, saying there is a need for the service and that Ameren Missouri’s proposal is economically feasible.