A Hickman graduate who ran unsuccessfully for Columbia mayor in 2022 is running again, saying she can no longer sit back “and watch the continued deterioration of our once great city.”

Tanya Heath joined us live on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri” and outlined her priorities, if elected in April. Ms. Heath tells listeners that she doesn’t feel as safe in neighborhoods or in downtown Columbia as she did five years ago:
“And when I’ve talked to other people, they don’t feel safe. They don’t feel safe in their neighborhood. Business owners don’t feel safe when they go downtown and stuff like that. Which is a shame, because I know historically how hard the downtown has worked to have interesting and great businesses for people to go to,” Heath says.
She supports neighborhood watch programs and tells listeners that crime reduction is key:
“It comes down to making sure that the (Columbia Police) police are fully staffed and that they’re not limited in how they are policing,” says Heath.
The 1987 Hickman graduate and 1991 Mizzou School of Journalism graduate is challenging Columbia Mayor Barbara Buffaloe in April. Heath also says schoolteachers, nurses and police officers cannot afford the median home price in Boone County, which is about $351,000.