Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday is a federal and Missouri holiday

go como tiger line hearnes loop bus at tiger avenue and hospital drive roundabout aug. 21 2024 002 scaled 1

Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is a federal, Missouri, county and city holiday and the observance of his birthday.

Columbia city hall (2021 file photo courtesy of city spokeswoman Sydney Olsen)

Dr. King was a well-known civil rights leader who protested against racial discrimination and advocated for non-violence. He was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, as he was supporting striking sanitation workers.

Banks and financial institutions are closed on Monday, and there will be no regular mail delivery. The Columbia and Jefferson City council meetings have been moved to Tuesday evening, due to the holiday. Most of Jefferson City’s approximately 14,000 state employees are off Monday, in observance of the holiday. It’s one of Missouri’s 13 official state holidays.

Columbia spokeswoman Sydney Olsen says residential curbside trash and recycling will not be collected on Monday and will be delayed by one day for the rest of the week. Go COMO, which is Columbia’s public transit system, will not be operating. There will also be no parking enforcement Monday in Columbia.