A Columbia business leader hopes to have an announcement early next year about the restoration of air service from Columbia Regional Airport (COU) to Denver.

Columbia Regional Economic Development Incorporated (REDI) president Stacey Button says Columbia has received a $1-million federal grant from the U-S Department of Transportation. Ms. Button tells 939 the Eagle the grant involves the restoration or reinstatement of air service to Denver:
“Airport staff is currently working with the airlines on restoring that service and hope to have an announcement in early 2025 with more details,” Ms. Button says.
She says the restoration of flights to Denver is a top priority for her and REDI and for COU travelers:
“We’ve heard from our passengers. The desire and need to travel west on that geographical map of the U-S. So Denver service is very important, so we’re very excited to be able to bring that back,” says Button.
The grant is officially known as the small community air service development program grant. President Button briefed elected officials and business leaders at the recent Columbia REDI board meeting. COU currently offers daily flights to Dallas/Fort Worth and to Chicago O’Hare.