The president of the Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri says everyone deserves access to healthy, nutritious food.

Food bank president and chief executive officer Lindsay Lopez says one in seven Missourians are considered food insecure. For children in Missouri, that figure is one in five. Ms. Lopez tells 939 the Eagle that the need is growing and that the some of the clients needing help with food in their 32-county service area work two or three jobs:
“More than 50 percent of people that we are serving are employed. They have at least one person in their household who’s employed. We have people who are underemployed or are working three jobs to make ends meet,” she says.

The Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri is seeing an increased need for food across its 32-county service area, which includes Columbia, Jefferson City and Boonville. Ms. Lopez tells 939 the Eagle that the need is critical:
“Otherwise how do you lead a healthy, productive life. And so that’s why the food bank exists to be able to provide that food to neighbors who need it whether it be once or over a period of time,” Lopez says.
The food bank partners with more than 145 food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and others. The 18th annual 939 the Eagle/Commerce Bank one-for-one holiday food drive to benefit the Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri is Wednesday from 6 am to 6 pm at Columbia Mall. All Zimmer radio stations will be participating. We’ll be teaming up with the Columbia professional firefighters, ABC-17 and the Missouri Pork Association. You can find more information about the food drive here.