Mizzou to award 1,875 degrees this weekend in Columbia

jesse hall

Look for heavy traffic Friday and Saturday on and near Mizzou’s Columbia campus, as more than 1,700 students will earn degrees at winter commencement ceremonies.

mu columns
Mizzou’s historic Columns are near Jesse Hall (2022 file photo courtesy of MU News Bureau senior editor Sara Diedrich)

UM System President Dr. Mun Choi says Mizzou’s graduates are well prepared to contribute to their communities and to society. President Choi says more than 95 percent of new Mizzou alumni will be starting their careers, continuing their education, joining the military and filling service roles after they graduate.

Mizzou will be awarding 1,875 degrees this weekend: about 1,370 of them are bachelor’s degrees, 375 will be master’s degrees and 96 will be doctoral degrees. President Choi notes some students will earn more than one degree. Mizzou’s graduates are from 42 states and 20 nations.

The ceremonies begin this afternoon at 1 with the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at the Hearnes Center, and continue through this evening at Hearnes and at Jesse Auditorium. There are also five ceremonies on Saturday, starting at 8:30 am with the Sinclair School of Nursing at Jesse. Saturday’s ceremonies wrap up at 4 with the College of Health Sciences.