Mizzou’s College of Veterinary Medicine to hold open house Saturday

Mizzou’s College of Veterinary Medicine holds an open house in 2022 (file photo courtesy of Mizzou spokesman Brian Consiglio)

The Boone County Sheriff’s Department, Warm Springs ranch Clydesdales, the Boone County Fire Protection District and the House Rabbit Society are all participating in Saturday’s Mizzou College of Veterinary Medicine’s annual open house.

It’s open to the public tomorrow from 9 am to 3 pm, and features activities that celebrate and educate the public on the college’s mission.

More than 40 groups will attend the event, which is at the school on East Rollins.  A petting zoo will be featured and you will also learn how to milk a cow. There will be mules and the Warm Springs Ranch Clydesdales will be there as well.