UPDATE: At least 12 Missourians dead after tornado outbreak

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Missouri state troopers say at least 12 people are confirmed dead from Friday evening’s horrific tornado outbreak across the state.

A tornado is believed to have hit the Webb Creek marina on Clearwater lake in southeast Missouri (March 15, 2025 photo courtesy of the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Twitter page)

The hardest hit areas were in southern Missouri, with six fatalities in Wayne County and three in Ozark County. Governor Mike Kehoe describes the devastation as heartbreaking, adding that homes and businesses have been destroyed. The governor praises first responders, volunteers and faith-based partners for working around-the-clock responding to the tornadoes and the damaging fires before that.

The governor says 19 tornadoes impacted 25 of Missouri’s 114 counties. We’ll have the latest details Monday morning at 6 on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Missouri.”