We expect to learn some new details Monday morning from Jefferson City’s mayor about Saturday’s early-morning house explosion on St. Louis road, an explosion that critically injured several occupants.

Jefferson City firefighters and first responders are still working to determine a cause for the explosion, which happened at about 2:45 Saturday morning in the 2400 block of St. Louis road, which is east of the Missouri Capitol. Mayor Ron Fitzwater will join us live at 7:35 Monday morning on 939 the Eagle’s “Wake Up Mid-Missouri.”
Jefferson City authorities say there were six people inside the home when it exploded. Two of the patients were driven across the river to the Jefferson City Memorial Airport and flown to Columbia’s University Hospital and the other four were transported by ambulance to University Hospital. Our news partner KMIZ reports three of the home’s occupants are in critical condition and that three suffered moderate injuries.
Authorities say rescue operations were especially challenging due to extensive structural collapse and significant debris. They note the fire department’s special operations rescue team (SORT) had to tunnel through layers of debris to reach the final occupant. All six were safely removed in about three hours. Jefferson City Public Works deployed an excavator to assist with debris removal, which continued all day Saturday as first responders and city employees worked in snow and subfreezing temperatures.
The scene was very active, with neighbor Donavan Bard telling KMIZ that the explosion sounded like a bomb went off. Eight Jefferson City fire Department units responded, along with Jefferson City Police officers. Authorities say there were 37 fire and EMS personnel on-site, along with nine advanced life-support ambulances and three medical helicopters. Cole County EMS was assisted by mutual-aid resources from Osage, Callaway and Mid-Mo ambulance districts, MU Air medical, Mercy LifeLine and AirEvac Lifeteam.
Two pets were also rescued and are now being cared for by animal control.