MO State HS Sports

Shared custody bill moves to the Senate

Shouldn’t a divorced dad have his kids fifty – percent of the time? Mark Ludwig is with Americans for Equal Shared Parenting. He’s backing a Missouri bill designed to do just that.  He says he went over 200 – days without seeing his newborn son.

The measure has passed the Missouri House and is now before the state Senate. Ludwig says a divorced parent shouldn’t be made to feel like a backseat part – time father.


  1. Not only DIVORCED dads should keep their kids 50% of the time. ALL DADS that are the LEGAL and BIOLOGICAL father

  2. I pay child support every week I have a rearage. I haven’t held my kids in 5 years. My ex left them home alone when my girls were 6 years old and 12months. We were recorded and I wasn’t living with her. They gound her in fit. And wanted me to do the same classes. I had nothing to do with what she did. So they said I was unfit till i did classes. Still haven’t done them and in not going to.

  3. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that both parents should exercise equal parenting time with their children if their adult relationship didn’t work out. Equal parenting time should be the starting point in all considerations. There is not a single argument against it that holds water once we’ve established the typical qualifiers like each parent being fit, willing, able and without dangerous strikes against them, PROVEN.

    Live far apart? fix it. it’s for the kids.
    Don’t like each other? Duh. fix it. it’s for the kids.
    Don’t like his approach to discipline? add it to the list of things you don’t like about him. fix your attitude. it’s for the kids.
    You can’t go a week without seeing your kids? Choose a different schedule or utilize skype! it’s for the kids.

    Stop damaging kids with this all or nothing approach in court. it seriously messes up kids in the head. Stop being naive, selfish, greedy or all of the above. Make the right choice. Do it for the kids.

  4. Its about time. I know a lot of fathers who arent getting to see their children. Just because the marriage/relationship didn’t work, doesn’t mean the child needs to suffer or choose between their parents. It takes a village to raise a child. All children should have as many loving people in their lives as they can get.

  5. Christina Murray

    Same goes for mothers, July 4th of 2017 is the last time I was able to spend a holiday with my children. A therapist for my children said that reunification of mother and sons is the goal, but I’ve had 3 visits this year and each one my lawyer had to call him out for intervening on my visit 🙁 The sad thing is that custody comes down to who has the deepest pockets.

  6. And what kind of time should the father get if he left the state to be with another girl, but told sons mother it es for work and let her quit her job so he could go,
    Was gone for 10 mos and didnt help, while down there got his new gf pregnant and started a new family, leaves them to come crawling back to sons mother while his pregnant girlfriend is giving birth. Sons mom says no so he takes the kid and doesnt let mom see him for 2.5mos untill the court tells him to. New gf and family move here with him in his dad’s house, he still hasnt paid 1 penny in child support that’s now well over $7k and he refuses to get a job because hes trying to get on disability and in the mean time is trying to get his sons mother to pay him child support.
    And to top it all off he is accusing his sons mother of parental alienation and trying to turn the child against him. When sons mother has never tried to keep them apart. Oh and dad is a felon for punching a cop and has gone from junkie to Jesus. Because a narcissist loves nothing more than a bunch of people willing to belive every thi g he said.

  7. One concerned mom

    Not all divorced dads should get shared custody! Some divorces happen for very extreme reasons. My ex beat me, mentally and verbally abused me and our children. Just because he is their biological dad doesn’t mean he should have rights. That is why the court gave me full physical and legal custody! My ex is an angry alcoholic and started using meth. He should not be allowed to see them and isn’t. He is court ordered to pay child support after I gave him the chance to pay on his own. He hasn’t paid a dime and owes thousands on his other grown children. I don’t think it should be blanketed.

  8. I am watching my son deal with this crap in Alaska an they have the absolute WORST FATHERS RIGHTS I HAVE EVER SEEN, my son pays 1000.00 a month an sees my grandson about 7.5hrs a week, he is being stationed in the lower 48 come June an is being told he can not get long term visits till about age 4.. HOW THE HELL IS THIS FAIR.. FATHERS ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT AS MOTHERS.. 50/50 SHOULD BE IN EVERY SINGLE STATE unless father is proven unfit..

  9. Not only 50/50 shared time but at this designation there should be no child support paid.

  10. Good, make this nationwide!!!! I don’t care if both parents are working. Figure it out!!!!

  11. Drug use, restraining orders, physical abuse, mental abuse, mental problems without treatment, doesn’t even suggest supervised visits. Nope as a Mother of Adults I do NOT agree with this.

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