MO State HS Sports
Will Missouri anti – gun legislation go anywhere?

Will Missouri anti – gun legislation go anywhere?

Legislators are back at the Capitol on January 4th for the start of the 2023 session. Mid-Missouri State Rep. Dave Griffith knows the Democrats plan to file some gun control bills. Griffith says Columbia’s David Tyson Smith has a bill seeking to keep some guns out of the hands of anyone under the age of 20 …

Griffith says the Republican majority has no stomach for any new anti – Second Amendment legislation.

One comment

  1. There is already plenty of gun laws in place . Why don’t we renforce the death penalty? Any time a person willingly and unlawful takes another’s life should get this punishment. Give them the choice, hanged, gas chamber or the electric chair. Stop this lethalen jection or life in prison. Maybe this would be a bigger deterrent to think about before one commits the crime!

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